
183 total results
Infographic: Australia's PISA performance over time

A report on the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results examines trends in Australia's average performance and the change in the percentages of students considered 'high' and 'low' performers.

PISA 2015 brings more bad news for Australia
PISA 2015 brings more bad news for Australia

The PISA 2015 test results have brought more bad news for Australia’s education system with student performances in scientific, reading and mathematical literacy all in ‘absolute decline’.

Global Education Episode 11: Dr Sue Thomson discusses TIMSS 2015
Global Education Episode 11: Dr Sue Thomson discusses TIMSS 2015

Conducted every four years, TIMSS compares the achievements of Years 4 and 8 students in mathematics and science. Teacher sat down with Dr Sue Thomson from ACER to discuss the Australian results.

Australian student performance flatlining
Australian student performance flatlining

Australian results from the first of two major international education studies have indicated Years 4 and 8 student achievement in mathematics and science has flatlined over the past 20 years.

20-year slide in maths and science learning
20-year slide in maths and science learning

With the release of results from the four-yearly Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Geoff Masters discusses what it will take to lift levels of mathematics and science learning in Australian schools.

Teaching Methods: Field trips
Teaching Methods: Field trips

She’s been called a ‘true rockstar teacher’ – geoscientist Suzy Urbaniak has planned and led 45 Australian and international field trips. Here, she shares her tips in a Q&A with Teacher editor Jo Earp.

Discovering contemporary maths and science
Discovering contemporary maths and science

Linking pre-service and classroom practitioners with experts in the real world has led to the development of resources to support maths and science teachers in Australian schools.

Celebrating progress – PISA's success stories
Celebrating progress – PISA's success stories

With the latest round of PISA test results due for release in December, we look beyond the top performers since 2000 and take a look at recent success stories.

STEM gender imbalance persists
STEM gender imbalance persists

Australia has a gender imbalance in STEM that runs right through primary and secondary school, to tertiary study and into the workplace, according to a new paper from the Office of the Chief Scientist.

Students shine at Australian STEM Video Game Challenge
Students shine at Australian STEM Video Game Challenge

Students taking part in the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge had to design and build an original video game based on STEM concepts. Here, we take a look at the 2016 winners.