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204 total results
Understanding and developing global citizenship
Understanding and developing global citizenship

How a new certification process using a developmental continuum is helping school communities define what global citizenship means for them and what it looks like in action.

Teaching methods: Phonics FAQs
Teaching methods: Phonics FAQs

A recent large-scale study explored the benefits of a synthetic phonics program. Here, Dr Jennifer Buckingham addresses seven frequently asked questions about the teaching method.

Motivated Minds - putting mindset theory into practice
Motivated Minds - putting mindset theory into practice

How a collaborative action research project between educators and academics is promoting a growth mindset in students and impacting on learning outcomes.

Finland – where ‘equality starts at the blackboard’
Finland – where ‘equality starts at the blackboard’

Tom Stehlik recently spent some time in Finland. Here, he reflects on the Finnish school structure and culture, teacher education programs and processes.

Service learning in schools
Service learning in schools

‘Too often service is given a polite pat on the back for being “nice” while simultaneously being positioned somewhere to the left of the “serious business of education”. But both research and practice tell a different story.’

Social and emotional learning in schools
Social and emotional learning in schools

Principals, teachers, and the public are increasingly recognising the importance of teaching social and emotional skills to students alongside academic skills.

Supporting staff in implementing a new literacy program
Supporting staff in implementing a new literacy program

Andrew Nicholls discusses how staff professional development supported the implementation of a literacy program at his school, as well as the program’s impact on student learning outcomes.

Designing a whole-school literacy program
Designing a whole-school literacy program

One educator discusses the process he undertook when tasked with the job of revamping his school's literacy program.

Motivation and engagement: every minute of every day matters
Motivation and engagement: every minute of every day matters

How much does student motivation and engagement change over the course of a day, a week, and a month at school? How much does motivation and engagement vary from student to student?

Sources of teacher stress
Sources of teacher stress

What are the common sources of stress for secondary teachers? This research uncovers three central themes, and compares data from Australia and Hong Kong.