Digital technology

203 total results
Play, create and control
Play, create and control

Christine Haynes reviews a robot construction kit, and discusses why robotics still appeals to tech-savvy teachers.

Digital schools: An evolving ecosystem
Digital schools: An evolving ecosystem

Mal Lee zeroes in on the consequences of a segmented school, and explains why school leaders must focus on creating an integrated school ecology based on the digital.

Big Data and Education Data Mining
Big Data and Education Data Mining

Across many professional areas there has been a surge of interest in Big Data, but what's the relevance of Big Data in education? Dr Michael Timms discusses.

The Research Files Episode 7: Julian Fraillon on ICILS
The Research Files Episode 7: Julian Fraillon on ICILS

Julian Fraillon discusses the results of the pioneering International Computer and Information Literacy Study, which took place for the first time in 2013.

Up against the clock
Up against the clock

Australian educators believe insufficient time to prepare for lessons and a lack of skills are hindering the use of ICT in teaching and learning, a new study suggests.

Teachers and ICT
Teachers and ICT

How many of your colleagues are using ICT in the classroom? Is social media a commonly used teaching tool in Australia? Find out in today’s Teacher infographic.

Digital normalisation: The imperative for all schools
Digital normalisation: The imperative for all schools

In his latest article, Mal Lee discusses why every school must normalise the use of digital technologies.

What are young people reading outside class?
What are young people reading outside class?

Have the reading formats that young people engage with outside class time changed since 2005? Find out in this Teacher infographic.

Showing you where to look, not what to see
Showing you where to look, not what to see

Britt Gow reviews the Dino-lite handheld digital microscope and explains how it complements the science curriculum at her school.

Online, collaborative learning
Online, collaborative learning

The students at this Victorian school are using Google Sheets to access collaborative environments and work online with peers and teachers.