Long reads

746 total results
Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance
Expert Q&A: PISA 2022 – the impact of school experiences on student performance

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) recently released an in-depth analysis of Australian student and principal questionnaire responses, collected as part of the OECD’s latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In this Q&A, we speak with ACER’s Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood about what Australia’s results tell us.

PISA 2022: Student curiosity helps maths performance
PISA 2022: Student curiosity helps maths performance

High school students with higher levels of curiosity performed better in the latest round of international PISA mathematics assessments, according to new analysis of Australian data from the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Expert Q&A: The value of teaching STEM as a subject
Expert Q&A: The value of teaching STEM as a subject

It is estimated that within the next 5 years, over 90% of jobs will require STEM skills. In this article, we speak to Daniel Edwards, STEM/Digital Technologies teacher at Montello Primary School and Parklands High School in Burnie, Tasmania, about the value of implementing STEM as a subject, and the amazing successes his students have had.

Research news: Parent perspectives on school attendance
Research news: Parent perspectives on school attendance

How can schools work with parents effectively to support student attendance? New research suggests families can be unaware of the extent of their child’s absences and aren’t concerned about them missing school. We speak with Dr Anna Saavedra about the study findings and practical strategies for highlighting the importance of attendance with parents.

Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative
Insights from PISA: Singapore’s home-based learning initiative

How do you continue to innovate and adapt your teaching to best equip students for a fast-changing, digitally driven world? In Singapore, the Ministry of Education has implemented regular home-based learning days, where students are tasked with taking charge of their own learning.

Developing student comprehension of historical significance
Developing student comprehension of historical significance

‘As schools implement the next iteration of the Australian Curriculum, the concept of historical significance is consistently alluded to within syllabus documentation.’ In this reader submission, English and History teacher, Alec Santucci, defines ‘historical significance’ and shares some practical methods for promoting historical skills in the classroom.

Expert Q&A: What do our copyright laws say about using AI in schools?
Expert Q&A: What do our copyright laws say about using AI in schools?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an increasingly popular and useful tool for teachers and students alike. But what do our copyright laws say about using AI to generate new, or alter existing, work? Teacher spoke to Delia Browne, National Copyright Director at the National Copyright Unit, to find out more about the legal obligations of using AI in schools.

The power of design thinking in education
The power of design thinking in education

In today’s reader submission, Anam Javed – Master Teacher in Residence for Technologies at the Victorian Academy of Teacher and Leadership – provides an overview of design thinking, including 2 illustrative examples, and shares some misconceptions of the approach.

Research collaboration: Student engagement and purposeful learning
Research collaboration: Student engagement and purposeful learning

At St Joseph’s Primary School, teachers have had time to better understand how to effectively support each student to be intellectually, behaviourally, emotionally and socially engaged as learners. In last week's article, 3 teachers shared more about this opportunity and in today’s article 2 foundation teachers explain how they’ve benefited from examining their own practice.

Research collaboration: Teachers working to understand student engagement
Research collaboration: Teachers working to understand student engagement

‘As teachers work to address student learning needs, student engagement emerges as a key consideration for effective practice.’ In this article, 3 primary teachers share how being given time and support to explore this aspect of their teaching changed the way they thought about student learning.