Short articles

757 total results
Research news: Why are young people leaving school early?
Research news: Why are young people leaving school early?

If you’re a secondary teacher or leader, what is the average year 12 completion rate for students in your school? Do you know the reasoning behind why some students decide to leave early? How could you best support these students? A new report offers answers to these questions.

Research news: Preparing teachers to be inclusive educators
Research news: Preparing teachers to be inclusive educators

‘The intention of the research was to … enhance beginning teachers’ readiness for the profession as inclusive educators, working with students with disability.’ In this article, we explore some findings of a new open-access paper that identifies areas of inclusive education where teachers perceived they weren’t sufficiently prepared.

A trip to the bookstore – an exercise in student agency
A trip to the bookstore – an exercise in student agency

‘I called it student driven acquisition, but it was essentially: let’s go to the bookstore.’ Teacher Librarian Catherine Barnes seized a unique opportunity, taking her Endeavour College students to the bookstore to select some titles for the newly renovated school library. We caught up with her to unpack the impromptu learning experience.

Teaching resource: What is explicit instruction?
Teaching resource: What is explicit instruction?

In our most recent annual Teacher reader survey, many of you asked for more content and support in the area of explicit instruction. So, in this article, we delve into a new practice guide from the Australian Educational Research Organisation (AERO) on teaching explicitly.

Research news: How many students use school libraries?
Research news: How many students use school libraries?

For students who may not have access to appropriate books at home, libraries can play a key role in providing this access. New analysis of Australian data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) sheds light on year 4 students’ access to school libraries, revealing 7% attend schools where they’re not allowed to borrow books to take home.

Micocredentials – preparing school students for life after graduation
Micocredentials – preparing school students for life after graduation

Is your school developing students that have the skills to thrive in work or further study after graduation? We spoke to one school that piloted a microcredential program, offering short courses to help their students build professional skills and habits that they can take into future study or work.

Record levels of offensive behaviour against school leaders
Record levels of offensive behaviour against school leaders

Offensive behaviour against school leaders in Australia is at record levels, and of those who have been subject to physical violence at work in the last 12 months students were the perpetrators in 96% of cases. In this 5-minute read we look at the results of the latest Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey.

Teacher resources: Mathematics anxiety and engagement
Teacher resources: Mathematics anxiety and engagement

‘We know that mathematics anxiety and poor mathematics attitudes negatively impact mathematical learning and achievement-related choices.’ In this article, Dr Shani Sniedze and Dr Sarah Buckley share details of new resources to foster positive mathematics engagement for all students in the classroom and reduce the negative impact of mathematics anxiety.

Researching education: 5 further readings on culturally responsive teaching
Researching education: 5 further readings on culturally responsive teaching

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) seeks to improve the experiences and academic achievements of marginalised and minoritised learners. In this edition of Researching education: 5 further readings, you can read research on CRT, including building cultural competence among teachers, how to further develop culturally responsive pedagogies, and more.

Research news: Gender differences in civic knowledge and political ambition
Research news: Gender differences in civic knowledge and political ambition

‘Girls were more willing than boys to participate in school-based civic activities … but do not plan to be politically active.’ New data show female students are consistently outperforming males in the area of civic knowledge, yet they have lower political ambition. Find out more in today’s article.