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Celebrating 25 years of language learning
Celebrating 25 years of language learning

The year 2014 sees the 25th anniversary of ACER's Assessment of Languages Competence program.

Teaching in an Islamic school
Teaching in an Islamic school

Coming from a non-Islamic background, Andrew Turcinovich was a little apprehensive when he got a teaching job in an Islamic school. Here, he explains why he needn’t have been worried.

Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology
Programming the future: The difference between 'using' and 'doing' technology

Our schools and our students are very good at using technology, but if we want to thrive in the 21st century, we and our students need to become very good at doing technology.

Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate
Self esteem: Caution – do not over-inflate

If we over-inflate our students’ self-esteem, we run the risk that the air will quickly come out of the balloon when they hit the wide world, says Stephen Dinham.

The answer to teacher shortages
The answer to teacher shortages

Research suggests we have too many and too few teachers, but where we do have real shortages we need both to retain locally trained teachers and attract them from overseas. Danielle Roddick reports.