Secondary schools occupy a special place in the learning journey for students, sandwiched between primary and post-school options. In episode 9 of School Assembly, we chat to Jo Camozzato about what that means, in terms of linking it all together.
You may have experienced it as a teacher, or a school leader – out-of-field teaching remains a big issue. Professor Merrilyn Goos and Professor Linda Hobbs join Teacher editor Jo Earp for a special podcast episode to talk about the current situation in Australia, challenges and possible solutions.
At Brighton Grammar School in Victoria, a year 12 student was given the opportunity to conduct their own educational research project. In this article, we speak with Deputy Headmaster Dr Ray Swann, teacher Oliver Lovell, and student Tim Tso about the process and impact of this project.
The newly-released Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators reports on the state of education in OECD and partner countries. In this infographic, we take a look at the net statutory teaching time in hours, per year, in public institutions across the world for pre-primary and upper-secondary, general programs.
Research analysing data on 1.3 million students and 50,000 teachers in the United States has demonstrated a positive impact on student academic achievement and behavioural outcomes when they are taught by the same teacher twice. Dr Leigh Wedenoja shares more details with Teacher in this article.
While schools across the country are grappling with critical teacher shortages, it’s certainly no surprise to hear that out-of-field teaching is occurring. A new Deakin University report which was co-written by ACER and Griffith University, looks at the issue of out-of-field teaching and proposes 46 recommendations.
A new study from Monash University draws upon a 2019 questionnaire of 2444 Australian primary and secondary school teachers, revealing that only 41% of respondents intended to remain in the profession. We look at some of the findings from the analysis in this infographic.
Student engagement in Maths is becoming increasingly important in Australia with the demand for skilled graduates in STEM industries growing. Here we speak to researcher Dr Maaike Wienk about new data showing a decline in Year 12 Maths participation, and what schools can do about it.
Phillippa Adgemis is Principal at Coldstream Primary School – one of the six schools highlighted in a recent Australian study exploring the common features of exemplary school playgroups. In this article, she shares more about how the playgroup is run, and the effect it has had on the school.
School playgroups benefit children, their families, schools and communities. New Australian research has identified six key features of high-performing school playgroups.
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