Learning activities

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Revisiting ratios with Holly Wedd
Revisiting ratios with Holly Wedd

The most popular video on Teacher’s YouTube channel is Ratio activities to engage mathematics students by Head Teacher Holly Wedd. In this video, Holly revisits ratios 3 years on to share 3 new lesson activities on the topic.

Anticipating controversy: Teachers’ decisions about resource selection
Anticipating controversy: Teachers’ decisions about resource selection

Teachers across all settings and subject areas make daily decisions about the resources they use with students to develop learning activities. In today’s article we speak with Dr Rebecca Cairns from Deakin University about her new research paper, Anticipating Controversy: What’s the Problem Represented to Be in Australian Policies for the Selection of Learning Resources? published in the Australian Journal of Education.

Infographic: Reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons in Australia
Infographic: Reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons in Australia

Recently released survey data from PIRLS 2021 (Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study) includes information on reading instruction strategies used in year 4 lessons. This infographic shows the percentage of Australian PIRLS 2021 students whose teachers reported using these strategies in every or almost every lesson.

Immersive technology – teaching and learning the augmented way
Immersive technology – teaching and learning the augmented way

‘[When] fully embedded and aligned with the Australian Curriculum, AR can be an extraordinary tool for learning, particularly suited to use by primary-aged students.’ Dr Susan O’Donnell and Adrian Rayner give an update on the work of the VR Learning & Design Hub, which has been exploring the benefits of Augmented Reality in the classroom.

Supporting students to conduct their own research projects
Supporting students to conduct their own research projects

At Brighton Grammar School in Victoria, a year 12 student was given the opportunity to conduct their own educational research project. In this article, we speak with Deputy Headmaster Dr Ray Swann, teacher Oliver Lovell, and student Tim Tso about the process and impact of this project.

Q&A: Working through grief and loss with students
Q&A: Working through grief and loss with students

Experiencing grief is something we will all confront at some point in our lives, but navigating a death in the school community, when you also need to support your students, can be really challenging. In this Q&A, we’re joined by author Hazel Edwards OAM to unpack her new book, Grief and Loss in Schools: A Resource for Teachers.

ChatGPT lesson activity: Secondary students testing the fallibility of AI
ChatGPT lesson activity: Secondary students testing the fallibility of AI

While ChatGPT can save students time from searching through textbooks or online databases, the AI-generated content is not always accurate. Steve Brophy from Ivanhoe Grammar School in Victoria assigned students the task of testing the fallibility of ChatGPT with the lesson activity: Would you lie to me?

Video: More maths activities for directed number
Video: More maths activities for directed number

Returning with her first Teacher video for 2023, Holly Wedd shares 3 more activities she uses in her classroom to help students learn about directed number. You can watch the video and find links to resources and worksheets mentioned by Holly in this article.

School Improvement Episode 44: A children’s university – Partnering with universities to improve outcomes
School Improvement Episode 44: A children’s university – Partnering with universities to improve outcomes

In this episode, we’re taking you to Yipirinya School in Alice Springs. Year 3 and 4 students at the school were recently participants in a trial of Charles Darwin University’s Children’s University – a program which offers students the opportunity to undertake learning experiences by visiting local businesses and organisations.

School Improvement Episode 43: Award-winning Science teachers on increasing participation and 2-ways learning
School Improvement Episode 43: Award-winning Science teachers on increasing participation and 2-ways learning

The latest winners of the annual Prime Minister’s Prizes for Excellence in Science teaching are George Pantazis from Marble Bar Primary School in Western Australia, and Veena Nair from Viewbank College in Victoria. They both join us in this episode to discuss the work they’ve been recognised for.